Tuesday, December 16, 2014

16 days to Go!

So here's the deal.  I have sixteen---counting---16 days until I start my 'cream therapy'.
I will be using an imiquimod cream (Zyclara to be exact).  The dermatologist went ahead and prescribed it for me and I have directions to start January 1st.  But here's a little background to what led up to this.

I had to go visit Doc #2 (Dr. D) because he's the guy I chose to perform the Moh's surgery.  He had already performed the surgery on my Squamous Cell (SCC)  in August.  He also told me that my chance of having another skin cancer site was vastly GREAT in the next five years.  Almost exactly three months later (to the day) I was in his chair again.  This time for a Basal Cell (BCC).  He declared, "Didn't I tell you that you'd be back?"  But he added he didn't expect to see me so soon. Yeah, me too...what he said. 

Anyway, during the time from August to November I had my stitches taken out of my neckish-chest and another biopsy, this time my nose.  Comes back BCC and I had the choice--cream or Moh's.  I chose the Moh's because of the location and I wanted to make sure it was gone.  Needless to say, I STILL will be doing the cream.  Let's just pretend I wanted another scar to add to my fabulous character.  Here are a few pics to get you started and an idea of what you might expect.

Sad face here---not even stitched up yet.

This was taken right after my stitches were removed.  Look at those tiger stripes!
 Needless to say, I have an extreme sensitivity to stitches.  My body apparently dislikes foreign objects and breaks out, itches, burns, and stays red.  This happened with the last surgery, too.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Taking Selfies!

 Before nose was Moh'd---still wearing my 'badge' from last surgery.

 Me putting on happy face during my Moh's procedure...squamous cell carcinoma.

Not so fun anymore.  Split right down the center of my face.  2nd Moh's.  Basal Cell.

The Journey Begins in 3...2...1

Hey all.  Just a quick late night foray on Dr. Google to keep me awake and overwhelmed.  A few things:

1)  Sometime this past year (I could hardly even know when exactly) I noticed a spot on my chest.  It was actually on the surface of my clavicle.  Each day as I got ready for work/school my eyes were drawn to it.  The light would reflect off this tiny spot and it shimmered with a hypnotizing effect.  I ignored it, sorta.  Of course, I looked at it each day, but really didn't pay it much mind.  Until one day I noticed it had grown.  Seemingly overnight.  Just like that.  Weird.  So, strangely I had an appointment already set up at the dermatologist (a spot on my forehead that looked like a flat wart had been bothering me)-- and she looked me over "Anything you want me to check?"  and everything was either this or that, nothing much in the way of BAD.  Last spot.  Pointed to my clavicle.  Her demeanor changed at once.  "Not good" was her response.  Measuring card was whipped out.  She biopsied.  She asked how long it had been there. She said they would call.  And call they did. 

August 2014--Squamous Cell Carcinoma.  SCC.  Never heard of it.  I googled it, and thought...wow, really not good.  Long story short, I chose Moh's procedure using a doctor at a medical hospital. (Thank goodness for hairdressers and the knowledge they glean from clients...one recommendation I don't regret.)  One swipe.  He said it was so early that he even hated to 'score' it...a zero, hardly close to a one.  Since I had gathered my evidence and background knowledge from Dr. Google, I was worried about it metastasizing to the lymph nodes.  I mean, it was really close to my neck, ya know? Dr. Davis declared the rare chance of it spreading, as well as telling me how my one swipe really meant it had not gone further.  I still pray he is right.  I feel like a doctor's payday dream. (Explanation to that comment will appear in the future.) 

2)  Since SCC had been diagnosed and Moh'd on (<-- hee, hee...get it?) I had a follow up with my regular dermatologist.  A spot on the petite nose of mine had refused to go away.  Dang little thing was right in the center of my face.  I have a peculiar issue with symmetry, btw.  Anyway, it had been 'frozen' with Nitro, popped as a pimple, and a few other things I can't remember.  Biopsy performed. 

November 2014--Basal Cell Carcinoma diagnosed.  Moh's surgery again.  This time, I have a nice little scar running half the length down my nose.  It's off center.  Not exactly in the middle. It bothers me a bit just seeing it.  The UNsymmetry of it all!

3)  I start an imiquimod cream January 1st.  What a way to start the New Year!  I am 41, closing the gap to 42, and I really am in some sort of denial that I am middle aged  and should be having any problems at all.  But alas, that isn't true.  I will save the juicy details for further readings.  However, I will say that despite having two new shiny scars (P.S. of which they hypertrophied.  UGH!  Can my body just cooperate for once?) I am grateful the SCC was caught early.  If it had been on my backside...well, I never check there. 

Well the eyes are getting gritty, so I probably need to head to the bed.  After all, this is the week before Christmas break...someone has to peel those kiddos from the ceiling!