Sunday, February 15, 2015

Update on an Update---sorta.

Behold---the face after another round of Zyclara.  Hard to see what it really looks like via a picture (and from my iPhone, no less). 

I tried to filter the color out so that you could see my scar (and now my wrinkles really stand out!), but it's still difficult to really see the effects. 

First, my skin is extra SUPER dry!  I currently have the thick Vitamin E moisturizer on, which is kind of a grody feeling. Feels good on my sandpaper, though, so I won't complain.  That's something I've noticed a lot of is how dry it has been.  There are some flaky areas, but nothing I haven't had before during a cold winter. 

Second, I have a place above my lip (actually looks like an extension of my upper lip peak) that is colored like a sore, but just very flat and dry.  There are a few other places that are smaller, similar...but only I would be able to point them out to you. 

I am waiting for an appointment with my new doctor---one that my surgeon recommended.  One reason I decided to make this switch (other than the recommendation) is the fact that my surgeon wanted me to use Efudex on my face and on my SCC site.  The other derm decided I didn't need that and prescribed the Imiquimod.  One thing I am learning (yes, old dogs can learn new tricks!) is that I am in control of ME.  I can question, discuss, and even argue (carefully) with my doctors.  I employ them.  And even if I LIKE them, they still are supposed to be working with me to figure these things out.  I am learning more as I go through this--I research, I experience--and at the end of the day, when I am uncertain about something I have to have a voice for my own good.

So...that's somewhat of an update.  Not a whole lot to report, but that's not always a bad thing!

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